C.H. Rinck
Sunset warm and glowing smiles and sounds all cease
Nature is bestowing silent, holy peace.
But the brooklet’s billow murmur on and on;
There ‘mong break and willow, day is never done.
Evening never bringeth, less’ning in its pace.
Curfew never ringeth ending in its race.
So my heart is beating in unending love
Until, death defeating, I find peace above.
(English by Siver Serumgard)
(an alternate translation)
Evening sun smiles on the earth below
And nature rest silent in holy peace.
Only the brook’s waves ripple gently
Through the field and woods forward it throws itself.
No evening brings standstill to its flow
No bells ring it to quiet and peace.
So my heart stops in its love,
Until I one day sleep in an eternal peace.
(Translation by Harold Svanoe)