The Norwegian Singers’ Association of America (NSAA) has a long history with roots in the musical traditions of male choruses founded in Norway. Although several other small organizations of male choruses had been established in the United States, a formal organization entitled the Norwegian Singers’ Association of America (NSAA) was established in the United States in 1897.

According to the society’s Bylaws, the aims of the association are threefold: 1) to organize Norwegian Singing Societies in the United States of American and Canada; 2) to promote love for Scandinavian male chorus music, to create friendship among its members, and to assist and encourage Scandinavian musicians; and 3) to arrange a Sangerfest every other year where the public can get acquainted with Scandinavian music so we through this medium will gain respect of our fellow Americans.

Archives for the NSAA are found in the Center for Western Studies in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The Norwegian Singers Association of America has choruses located in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Another organization, the Pacific Coast Norwegian Singers Association, has choruses located in California, Oregon, and Washington.

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