Posts by singers7


The princess looked forth from her maiden bower.
The Lur of a herd-boy rang up from below.
“Oh, cease from thy playing and haunt me no more,
nor fetter my fancy that freely would soar,
when the sun goes down.”

The princess looked forth from her maiden bower
but mute was the Lur that had called from below.
“Oh, why art thou silent? Beguile me once more.
Give wings to my fancy that freely would soar,
when the sun goes down.”

The princess looked forth from her maiden bower.
The call of the Lur rose again from below.
She wept in the twilight and bitterly sighed,
“What is it I long for? God help me!” she cried
and the sun went down.

Sanger-Hilsen November-December 2018

SangerHilsen Nov Dec 2018

Sanger-Hilsen September-October 2018

Sanger Hilsen Sept October 2018

Sanger-Hilsen, July-August 2018

Sanger Hilsen July August 2018

Sanger-Hilsen, May-June 2018

Sanger Hilsen May-June 2018

Sanger-Hilsen March-April 2018

Sanger Hilsen Mar-Apr 2018

Sanger-Hilsen, January-February 2018

Sanger Hilsen Jan-Feb 2018 (1)

Sanger-Hilsen, November-December 2017

Sanger Hilsen Nov-Dec 2017

Sanger-Hilsen September-October 2017

Sanger Hilsen Sept-Oct 2017

Sanger-Hilsen July-August 2017

July August 2017 SangerHilsen

Sanger-Hilsen May – June, 2017

May June 2017 SangerHilsen

Sanger-Hilsen March-April 2017

Mar-Apr 2017 SangerHilsen

Sangerfest 2018

logo 2018

Sangerfest 2018 was held May 31-June 2, 2018, in Decorah, Iowa

Thanks to all the members of the Luren Singing Society for a wonderful Sangerfest.
There were many chances to connect with friends, learn more about our Norwegian heritage, and create some beautiful music together.  Mange Tusen Takk.

Sangerfest 2018 Schedule of Events                 Grand Concert Program


Sanger-Hilsen January-February 2017

SangerHilsen Jan-Feb 2017

Sanger-Hilsen November-December 2016

Sanger Hilsen Nov-Dec 2016

Sanger-Hilsen September-October 2016

Sept-Oct 2016 SangerHilsen all pages (1)

Sanger Hilsen July-August 2016

Sanger Hilsen July-August-2016

Sanger Hilsen May-June 2016

Sanger Hilsen May-June 2016

Sanger Hilsen March-April 2016

Sanger Hilsen Mar-Apr 2016

Sanger Hilsen Jan-Feb 2016


Ved Rondane

Memories of Childhood
Edvard Grieg, Arr. Ed Kramer

Once more the crags and dales of childhood greeting,
I see them as I saw them long ago.
The same cool wind upon my brow is beating,
The golden sun still shines upon the snow.
A tender voice within me keeps repeating,
Such happy memories that I pensive grow.
My heart with sweetest childhood fancies filling,
I scarce can breathe, its raptures are so thrilling.



Sjöberg-Balogh, E.G Geijer
English text by Helen Kaminski
Choral Transciption by Alberto Bimboni

Dark are the sorrows that come by night,
Dreams seek for music to bring release.
Day dawns with sorrow, with sorrow that dims its light.
Day seeks for music, for song bringing peace.

Song brings a promise of sweet content.
Hope brightens the sad heart while tones ring with mirth.
Song brings a vision, a vision that’s heaven sent.
Love sings in rapture as life thrills the earth.

Siste Reis

The Sailor’s Last Voyage
Eyvind Alnes, Text by Henrik Wergeland

This voyage is the last for me, Sing,sailor, oh!
Next port of call shall heaven be, Sing, sailor, oh!
The last bell soon the air will rend, Sing, sailor, oh!
My compass I must closely tend, Sing, sailor, oh!
Like gold and diamonds all around, Sing, sailor, oh!
The heaven sea with isles abound, Sing, sailor, oh!
They are the stars so small and clear, Sing, sailor, oh!
At which, as night-watch you would peer, Sing, sailor, oh!
Take courage then and risk defy, Sing, sailor, oh!
While sailing up thru azure sky, Sing, sailor, oh!
Fear not the Devil’s fierce corsairs, Sing, sailor, oh!
No danger of his wily snares, Sing, sailor, oh!
You’ll meet your wife you’ll meet your friends, Sing, sailor, oh!
Your children you will meet again, Sing, sailor, oh!
then there will be much greater glee, Sing, sailor, oh!
Than here when you came home from sea, Sing, sailor, oh!


Norwegian Folksong,
Arr. Frederick Wick

Far in the distance by mountains of blue, there lies a place I hold dear.
There in my thoughts and my dreams I will go; always you seem to be near.
Nid River, peaceful and lovely you are, here where I go a dreaming.
Dreaming of him who was dear to my heart; now is it only memories.
The old town bridge is our portal of bliss; together we sail under the stars’ corral.
Nid River, still and beautiful you are, here where I go and dream.

Herefter vil jeg følge

George J. Webb

Hereafter I will follow the little faithful flock.
Let worlds storms and billows turn against me,
I fear not battle because Jesus is with me.
He is my Helper when the storm becomes severe.

Far past the deep water, I must now struggle on.
I see the bright colored land, where freedom triumph stands.
The fearful places I am free from for awhile,
And cast my anchor for blessedness sake.